Not Just A Blonde

We are "Not Just" who we seem to be on this Earthly plane, but so much more. We are ALL children of a loving God who is calling us home to Love. This blog is dedicated to those of us on that journey together…


Forcing love just does not work. Specifically, holding onto a relationship that needs to evolve causes pain. It is not beneficial to resist change nor is it the loving thing to do for ourselves or for another. Change is indeed one of the few constants in this life! 

Holding on to a relationship you are invested in is understandable! Most of us resist change, particularly if we feel the change may bring us heartbreak or discomfort. Yet, parents need to adjust to the changes in their growing children or risk arrested development. Teachers need to let the students promote on and enter into their next phase of learning or release them to graduate to begin their life’s work. Even lovers at times need to let go if they are no longer able to truly be themselves, or if they struggle with not being loved or feeling able to love in the way that the other person needs. True love doesn’t trap, coerce, or force… true love is freeing, selfless and without harm.

Holding onto someone and forcing them to love us as we feel we need to be loved is selfish. Sure, we can let our request be known, but the choice is not ours but it is theirs to give or withhold. We must accept what is and not try to force it to be what it assuredly is not. 

Changes in relationship and in love should not distress us! Sometimes these changes bring with them new blessings and an opportunity to experience new joys! Earthly love will always ebb and flow with life’s Seasons… ever changing. We can’t force love to stay the same.

There is one thing that will never change: a Source of Love beyond all measure. This Love will always be there to care for our every hurt, every pain, every need! This Love is the Divine Love of God and is without limit.

Yes, Truly the love we receive from others is a blessing in this life, however God’s love for us is our greatest gift and is a Perfect Love like no other. We must realize that the love we share with others was never intended to fulfill us completely nor meet our every need. This love is but a reminder to us, a small introduction to the eternal Perfect Love of God that one day, if we so choose, we will each experience and enjoy. 


One thought on “ Can’t Force Love 

  1. BJF says:

    “Changes in relationship and in love should not distress us! Sometimes these changes bring with them new blessings and an opportunity to experience new joys! Earthly love will always ebb and flow with life’s Seasons… ever changing. We can’t force love to stay the same.”

    Duly noted, my friend. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

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